Weave a Mountain Scene Tapestry
with Rona Vrooman

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April 26, 2025
10:00AM - 4:00PM
(Select One)
Materials Fee (Paid at the Beginning of Class)
4 Seat(s) Still Available
(Please Choose 'Member' or 'Non-Member' First)
Class Description
Using a frame loom with a drawing as your guide, you’ll create a beautiful mountain scene wall hanging. You’ll learn how to warp the loom, begin and end the piece. In your project, you'll use a range of colors and textures and practice a variety of techniques including how to create shapes, interlock threads, and blend colors.
Materials List
All materials are included.
Minimum Age
16 and older
About the Instructor
Rona Vrooman is a volunteer educator with the New River Valley Master Gardeners. She enjoys weaving and other fiber arts, Rona became interested in Southwestern culture and crafts when she previously worked as a Park Ranger at Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico and Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado.
Class Registration and Cancellation Policy
Advance Registration Required.
Registration: Class registrations are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Cancellation/Refund: The Floyd Center for the Arts will conduct classes for which an adequate number of students are registered. Class status is determined 1 week before the first date of the class, unless otherwise noted. Acceptance of payment does not guarantee that a class will run. If the Center must cancel a scheduled class, students who registered for such classes will be given the opportunity to transfer their payments to another course or receive a full refund of their tuition payment.
Student Withdrawals: Students withdrawing from a class before the cancellation period has ended, (one week prior to the start of class, unless otherwise noted) can receive a full refund or may transfer their payments to another class of their choice. Students who withdraw after the cancellation period has closed or after class has started, will not receive a refund.